Monday, January 17, 2011

The Beaties

last week I found out I was type 2 diabetic. this truely sucks because a month ago i was told I have emphasema! what truely sucks about both these diagnoses is that they were both preventable. I smoked for 30 years and quit last march, I was having alot of trouble breathing after I quit and emphasema was why. the good news its not to bad for all the years smoking like a 2 out of 5, the bad news? no matter what I do it won't get better but also good news it won't get worse as long as I continue being a non smoker. the Beaties ( as my kids call it) will in fact get better and it can be eliminated by losing weight. I started the healthy lifestyle January 1 and have been doing ok. I am struggling this week and am really craving junk. I am seeing a dieticion, and a addictions counsellor, I believe I am addicted to food much like I was addicted to smoking and I need all the help I can get for this. so I am hoping that people read this and can pass on good tips and recipes for weight loss that are easy to follow. I will try and get on here everyday but at least once a week.

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